Teen murti bhavan visually

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Teen murti bhavan from outside
As you have read my previous blog  I talked about the history of teen murti bhavan now I would like to talk about  how teen murti  bhavan visually looks like .
Its an amazing place full of peace and knowledge . It has greenery and has a lot of animals like monkeys, peacocks etc.
Teen murti bhavan has a museum which tells about how this great man full of knowledge Mr Jawaharlal Nehru made India an independent country along with all his struggles i.e. quit India movement , Satyagraha, etc. 
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Jawaharlal nehrus room
It also has the rooms which were there at the time when he was living . They are preserved as it is till date .The rooms include  indira  Gandhis room, nehrus study , nehrus own room  , conference room .
It is kind of sad how we proudly get ourselves clicked with the famous statues at Madame Tussands but are totally unaware of the almost real statues in the museum. There is an exact replication of the Parliament proceedings with the wax statues of various leaders with the room echoing nehru’s “tryst with destiny” speech.The entire experience took me in an era I had only heard or read about in our history classes in school.
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Kushak mahal hidden inside the premises
It is also famous for the library where people from all over the world come to research . The basic theme of the library is modern Indian history .
A Nehru planetarium is also present in there where a short movie about the stars and constellation  is played in the auditorium .
There is also a hidden monument known as the kushak mahal which is present from the time of firuz shah tughlak also known as shikargarh.

The whole premises of teen murti bhavan is around 44 acre land which include all the 4 major areas . 


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