A day at teen murti bhavan

Hey guys
Delhi tour brings back fond memories. Relatives, cousins, summer vacations, coke, mango, fun and long days that overlapped the nights too. This was when I was growing up and every time, relatives planned a visit to Delhi, we parallelly planned a visit with them to various markets and tourist spots.

Well, that was then. Now, when I am a design student trying to absorb and observe the world around me, markets and tourist spots (as we called them) suddenly become research topics.

So when I got teen murti bhavan as my research area i was very excited to go there. I had already been there before but in a different context. It was one morning when my father woke up and asked me to visit teen murti bhavan .When i got it again just my dad was replaced by the faculty of the college at that point of time i had a huge grin on my face.  This was my second visit to teen murti bhavan with a different perspective.

Now i would like to tell something about the teen murti bhavan. 
Teen murti bhavan is in the south of Rashtrapati bhavan . The main area is central delhi near india gate .Its on teen murti marg. The name of the bhavan is derived by the three statues placed in the front of the bhavan as the mark of world war 1.

It was designed by Robert Tor Russel as a part of Edwin Lutyens imperial capital, the Teen Murti House was built in 1929-30 as the official residence of the Commander-in-Chief of the British Indian Army. This elegant building, designed in an austere classical style, was carefully erected to reflect the military prowess of the Raj. Field Marshal Sir William Birdwood was the first to occupy this house, while General Sir Roy Bucher as the last, vacating it soon after Indias independence in 1947.
It is now a memorial of Jawaharlal Nehru depicting all his struggle and his life story from his birth. It also has the rooms that are as it is as were present at the time of  Jawaharlal Nehru.


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